Perfect Crinkle Snickerdoodle Cookies (Vegan) – Sincerely Tori
I can’t really imagine what the holidays would be like without baking at least one batch of cookies. There are so many possibilities too. I mean, you’ve got the classic, and basically synonymous with Christmas, gingerbread men. Then there are your basic sugar cookies or shortbread. In my family chocolate chip cookies usually make their way into every holiday treat line-up. Oh, and we almost always make these little snowball cookies that I think everyone is familiar with. With all the variety, it’s not surprising that there are some cookies that aren’t as commonly made in some homes and for us that was always snickerdoodles. In fact, I hardly remember my family ever making them. If I ate them as a kid it would only be at a party or a friends house and even then, I’d usually choose something else first. Even when I started learning to bake as a kid I never tried snickerdoodles until more recent years. I remember searching the internet for a good recipe and coming up with so many similar ones that I had the hardest time trying to choose which one. Since then, I’ve tried a lot of versions for my own family until I finally found one that was “the one”. I’ve made sure to make a batch at least once every holiday season and now they’re definitely on the list of cookies that Christmas can’t go without. P.S. some say that snickerdoodles are Santa’s favorite! *wink* *wink* Celebrate the season by baking something sweet and nostalgic with these easy to make snickerdoodles.