Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Soft Pretzels (Vegan) – Sincerely Tori
Hey guys, I was wondering if you were up for another major comfort food item, because I have to tell you, they’re my favorite things to share! On a sidenote; Remember me mentioning our Spanish teacher friend, well he’s getting here later today and we are all getting ready to make him feel as at home as we can while he’s staying with us. So I’ve been genuinely trying to focus on some Spanish skills recently but I kind of feel like I’m never going to get it down…..ever… a million and 12 years…….. I’m excited though, because Diego is going to be here now and he’s going to help me learn it, yay! Of course, that means I’m working on getting over my embarrassment for how terrible my current knowledge of the language is. It’s pretty lame and I really hate trying to actually use what I know since I butcher almost every sentence I say. Okay, I know that I’m always going on about the different things (mostly foods) that my family misses from living in the US. Hopefully it’s not too annoying but it’s something that influences many of the recipes I share here on the blog so it’s hard not to mention it often. Which brings me to how much the gang loves and misses raisin swirl toast. Okay, so it’s possible that you could search really hard and find somewhere to buy a decent loaf around where we live, but up until now we still haven’t. As far as I can tell, they don’t make raisin swirl bread anywhere near my little town. What a shame, I know. Of course, that’s where I got my inspiration for these so I guess it’s not too much of a loss. Liv has been not so subtly hinting about how much she needs some pretzels. Oh yeah, that’s another thing you won’t find here (Ugh, they have no clue what they are missing!). I’ve been trying to bridge over into “Autumn Food” territory with my recent recipes and I thought this one was a really great fit for that. It’s got all the warm fuzzy flavors of home and nostalgia but I don’t feel like it’s completely confined to a specific season either. It’s still versatile enough to make year round since the ingredients aren’t too seasonal. I don’t know about you, but it’s almost indescribable how happy the smell of these wafting through the house can make me. MMMMMmmm! All that warm yeasty goodness mixed with cinnamon spice is enough to make me giggle with childish glee! It’s an aroma of favorite childhood memories. (Note to self; figure out how to bottle and sell the stuff as a perfume ’cause it would be dynamite!) Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Soft Pretzels (Vegan)