Fudgy Sweet Potato “Nutella” Brownies (V+GF)
Is there a more perfect treat than brownies? I don’t think so. Of course, I’m super indecisive so if I had to choose between brownies and, say, chocolate chip cookies or ice cream, I’d probably fail. So I made homemade nutella recently and omg, yum! When you’re a recipe creator though, sometimes you end up with a lot of extras from testing and that’s what happened here. In these cases my philosophy is always to make lemonade out of lemons. Also, I’m contemplating how I have ever lived without a blender. I mean, obviously brownies aren’t the most essential thing to life (Haha, depending on who you ask 😉 ). It’s just, I think…
Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Butter “Nutella” (Vegan+GF)
Next time someone tells you that spending Monday afternoon making homemade Nutella isn’t the best plan ever, tell them just how wrong they are by giving them a taste of this! So I don’t think it’s any secret that chocolate is a huge friend of mine. ;p Well, nutella is definitely on the list of chocolatey good things that I loved as a kid. Here’s the thing though, have you ever looked at the ingredients list on the back of the package? It’s got a bunch of that just shouldn’t be in it like vegetable oil. I mean, if it’s just chocolate hazelnut butter, shouldn’t it be basically just that? Just some…
Vegan Chocolate Chunk Brownies & “Nutella” Fudge Frosting
You know how there’s like the good recipes and then there’s the great ones? Take these Vegan Chocolate Chunk Brownies for an example. I think the distinguishing factor is whether or not the recipe gets remembered and requested again or if it quickly falls into that lonely pit of recipe oblivion and is just a one time thing. Obviously there are no hard fast rules here, and there is definitely plenty of grey area. In general if it doesn’t make an impression then it doesn’t make the favorites list and become an instant classic. This post is all about Vegan Chocolate Chunk Brownies I think you’ve probably all figured out by now that…