Cherry Berry Nice Cream Sundaes (Vegan+GF)
Is there such a thing as too much ice cream? Also, does anyone else just want to shake the hand of the person who discovered that blending frozen bananas creates this miraculous, creamy consistency? I know I do. Seriously guys, nice cream is life. There’s a cherry tree in our backyard that has the prettiest flowers when it blooms. This year it has matured enough to yield some pretty sweet cherries so we did our best to pick them all. What really surprised me though, was how quickly they came and went. I walked out back a few days ago and they were literally gone already. I was only able to find…
Chunky Monkey Caramelized Banana Split Sundaes (Vegan+GF)
I’ve never made banana splits before you guys, isn’t that ridiculous? We were watching a movie recently and, I don’t even remember which one it was now, but there was a scene in an old-fashioned diner. You know, classic Americana, 1950’s, juke boxes, poodle skirts…. you get the picture. In the scene they brought out this big and beautiful banana split and none of us could help wanting to dive into the screen at that point. I realized immediately that a banana split was lacking in my repertoire of recipes and I knew that I had to fix this major problem as soon as possible. I didn’t want to make just any banana splits…
Butterbeer Ice Cream Floats with Coconut Caramel Ice Cream (Vegan+GF)
Okay, you got me. Yep, I’m a Potter fan. Once upon a time, I enjoyed reading books. Of course, that was when I had tons of free time. These days, the thought of sitting down to a good book for hours and hours is a dim fantasy, and yet somehow it’s not as appealing as it used to be. I don’t think I could concentrate that long anymore, but there was a time when I could, and one of my favoreites was the Harry Potter series. What is it about that those books that’s so captivating when your young? I loved the way Rowling connected everything at the end and how she kept the…