30-Minute Thai Basil Asian Stir-Fry
Do you ever look forward to something for so long that you can hardly believe it’s actually arrived? That’s how I feel about Spring this year. I’ve been dreaming about all the things I want to make, do, and see this season, that it seems unbelievable that it’s arrived. Of course, it would probably seem more like Spring if we weren’t still having really cold weather, but that’s okay, the warm weather will get here soon enough and I’ll be ready for it, sunglasses and t-shirts in hand. I’m sort of thinking this needs to be the year of exploring. I’m 22 now (omg, I’m getting so old guys!) and while I love…
Spicy Thai Vegetable Tahini Stir-Fry Ramen (Vegan+GF)
And just like that we all wake up to December. Happy fri-yay and happy December my friends! It’s funny, you’d think the reality of time moving on would eventually set in after a while……..but somehow it’s always surprising to me. You know what I mean? Well anyway, I realized there’s been a lot of sweet stuff around here recently and I thought it was about time I shared something on the savory side with you guys, you know, cuz balance and stuff. Although, if life worked the way I wanted it to this time of year then we’d be able to thrive on Christmas cookies and chocolate treats all month. Of course, then…
Thai Cashew Stir-Fry & Lemongrass Infused Brown Rice
I think I might be obsessed with Thai food you guys…….. Like, if I just found out I only had a few days to live I’d probably make eating some Thai one of my top priorities. Have you ever thought about that, by the way? What would you eat if nothing else mattered and it was all about what you actually love to eat. If you could take away every other factor (nutrition, expense, calories, availability, etc…….), if none of those things existed what would you eat just because you genuinely love the taste? I find it hard to decide what I personally favor and you probably do too, becuase all of those…