Swirly Brown Sugar Cinnamon Roll Cookies (Vegan)
Is there anything better than a big doughy cinnamon roll? It’s hard to say, but at the moment I’m failing to think of anything. The problem with cinnamon rolls is that they require a bit of planning ahead and sometimes you just haven’t done that when a craving hits. Like those moments when you just have to have a cinnamon roll immediately or you may die. Does that happen to you too? Well, you see, that’s what I’m here for, to solve these urgent problems in life. Does that mean that I plan to save the world one cookie at a time? Maybe it does. Don’t judge. It’s a perfectly good plan, even if…
Fluffy Whole Wheat Eggnog Pancakes with Homemade Eggnog
Get ready for some good news…..we’re having “eggnog” pancakes! Okay, so I had some leftover nog the other day this idea just came to me, “What better way to use them during the holidays than making some delicious pancakes? It’s all over now. I don’t know that we will ever be able to go back to regular pancakes. My family loved these so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if they blackmail me into making nog in June just so that I can make these. They were that good. I’ve already made them twice this week and you know that I don’t do that very often because I’m always trying something new. I…
Perfect Crinkle Snickerdoodle Cookies (Vegan)
I can’t really imagine what the holidays would be like without baking at least one batch of cookies. There are so many possibilities too. I mean, you’ve got the classic, and basically synonymous with Christmas, gingerbread men. Then there are your basic sugar cookies or shortbread. In my family chocolate chip cookies usually make their way into every holiday treat line-up. Oh, and we almost always make these little snowball cookies that I think everyone is familiar with. With all the variety, it’s not surprising that there are some cookies that aren’t as commonly made in some homes and for us that was always snickerdoodles. In fact, I hardly remember my family ever making…
The BEST Vegan Pumpkin Spice Donuts with Cinnamon & Sugar
Don’t you love it when the whole house smells like pumpkin spice donuts? Wait, vegan pumpkin spice donuts? Even better! Those are the best days in my opinion. I absolutely love Fall and all that comes with it. Especially the holidays! This post is all about vegan pumpkin spice doughnuts It’s September! Fall Baking Starts Now! It seems like I wait all year long for the holiday season. Every year when I was little I would start to get so excited right around September. You know, the kind of childish excitement that has you convinced that you really may at least pass or otherwise just fall over and die of it. I love…