Homemade Fig Newton Cookies (Vegan+GF)
It’s been a really long time since I’ve made a treat like this. And by that I mean me attempting to copy a food that is usually made in a factory with machines doing all the time-consuming things (i.e. fig newtons). I remember the first time I made these little cookies years ago in a little kitchen in South America. It’s strange how much that chapter of my life is starting to seem like a forgotten dream. But anyway, I used dried figs for those and a bunch of other things that probably didn’t need to go into them. For these I tried to keep it as simple as possible with pretty basic…
Double Chocolate Chip Almond Flour Cookies (V+GF)
I forgot how weird it is when the days start staying light so late. Where we live is pretty far North so the sun doesn’t set right now until nearly 9 pm and it’s not completely dark until about 10 pm. It’s kind of bitter-sweet to me because I’m not a night owl, but I to enjoy a tiny bit of nighttime. As it is the days are nearly long enough that I have to wait up to go to bed. Honestly, I’m sometimes an old lady when it comes to bedtime. I really love how I feel when I’m on an earlier schedule and it’s something I’ve never had to try to…
Basic Homemade Peanut Butter Cups (V+GF)
Happy Independence day to all my Stateside friends and happy Wednesday to everyone. So this recipe has nothing to do with today’s celebrations except that it’s great for every occasion. Also, it falls under all of the following categories; “reinventing-the-wheel”, “why-fix-what-ain’t-broke”,”seen-it-a-thousand-times”, and “can’t-you-just-buy-that?”. I’m well aware of this, don’t worry. It’s just, sometimes you need to overwrite all of these things in the name of getting in the kitchen and creating. Also, this version of a Reese’s copycat is going to be way healthier than the packaged variety. I mean, it’s only made with a few ingredients, it’s gluten free, dairy free, and vegan. Besides, I think you can even set all…
Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Butter “Nutella” (Vegan+GF)
Next time someone tells you that spending Monday afternoon making homemade Nutella isn’t the best plan ever, tell them just how wrong they are by giving them a taste of this! So I don’t think it’s any secret that chocolate is a huge friend of mine. ;p Well, nutella is definitely on the list of chocolatey good things that I loved as a kid. Here’s the thing though, have you ever looked at the ingredients list on the back of the package? It’s got a bunch of that just shouldn’t be in it like vegetable oil. I mean, if it’s just chocolate hazelnut butter, shouldn’t it be basically just that? Just some…
Chocolate Cookie Dough Nice Cream
Am I obsessed with cookie dough? Yes, yes I am. That’s why discovering a more balanced form to curb the craving has been a total game-changer! Not only that, but how would you like to have ice cream for breakfast?????? I mean, if you didn’t say yes than what are you doing with your life? Now I realize that the this isn’t all that new of an idea. A few scrolls through social media will give you about a bazillion visually inspiring versions. But just in case you’ve never heard of nice cream before I’m here to share. Ok, key points and tips for making this. Number one, make sure to have…
Chocolate & Coconut Pumpkin Brownies
It’s been a while since I shared a brownie recipe hasn’t it? Well, it’s time to change that for sure. I was scrolling through some of my really old recipes the other day and realizing that I’ve never made a completely vegan brownie. I’ve tried tons of variations but I don’t think I’ve ever taken on the challenge of creating a good one before. For these I used some pumpkin for texture and to help keep them on the healthier side of things. I know, you’re probably like “How could you defile a perfectly good browine with veggies!” :O Honestly though, these might surprise you by how good they are without a ton…
Walnut Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread (V+GF)+ Video
Sup, my friends? So I’ve gotta say, after a few weeks of traveling and being on the go so much it’s been really strange to try to get back to sharing recipes again. It’s kind of hard to explain but, regardless, I’m really happy to be back in the kitchen. I’ve been really in the mood for simple classics recently. I’ve also been really trying to come up with more balanced treats to share because I know personally I always feel better when I’m eating something that’s both nutritious AND delicious and I’m guessing you do too. On another note, I’ve been messing around with video a lot more since going to…